Today I’m going to dedicate this post so that you are experts in identifying the fake handbags of the real ones and also give some tips at the time of your purchase so that you do not mess up! Louis Vuitton is a premium brand and their handbags only sell at their own stores.
Good girls, tell me, who does not walk the streets fixing the bags people are using huh? Oh, it’s ugly to lie! I have this louca craze of looking looking for some different little model or one of those brand-new Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas!
But the big problem is that nowadays with the giant market of fake purses, we are often in doubt if it is really worth making a big investment and the fake ones will continue in the market, right?
Here in United States we find the stores in new york 5th avenue, las vegas citycenter,san francisco union square and amman, where they are “authorized dealers only for luxury brands” and the brand NEVER, NEVER reduces their prices, there is no promotion and you can Always follow the website in the models in stock, prices and so on. Remembering that employees do not have a discount on the store, so if some saleswoman tries to entice you that she buys for you at a discount and you give the money later, run that it’s cold! Then you ask me .. will I find Louis Vuitton in Outlets? And the answer is no, it does not sell anything !! If you’re there hoping that you can buy one even with a few defects, that’s where you make a mistake! Bags, wallets, belts, shoes or any other item that do not conform to the quality standard are destroyed, do you? Yeah! So when it comes to buying your LV, be sure to make sure the (1) Tote Bag, (2) Case, (3) Fabric Protector are ok, so the brand never changes your style!

Remember also that Louis Vuitton does not hang labels on the handles and does not put plastics in the bags. The articles are stored in drawers on store shelves and counters or in stock. Do miracles on the internet exist?
haha hardly seen?
No one in good conscience buys an LV bag for 3,000 to 10,000 reais and sells it for 450 with plastic on the handle, does not it? Be wary of those who say that the scholarship was present, and therefore do not have the invoice. A gift in this amount is only guaranteed if the invoice has been presented. And then, it is very easy to say that it won as a gift: no one else asks about the guarantee and that’s it. Do not be an easy victim, eh? Demand your tax coupon at the time of purchase and save it if you want to change or if you need repairs! The store divides up to 3x without interest and does not have cash discounts or debit cards, it is a fixed price, standardized!

If you have a desire to buy replica?You may be joyful,there are a large number of top quality luxury replica watches and replica handbags,you can choose one from them.Maybe they can not only satisfy your visual enjoyment but also meet your inner needs of the.don’t miss it,just follow the link to see,I believe you will be impressed by it.