Handbags are the mirror of women’s personality we all know but if the handbag is Coach its awsome feel. Coach handbags are the dream come true for many ladies and I am one of them as it keeps on working on new designs and styling. A small unique detailing and a change makes it different from others. Lightweight and water resistancy these are few of the qualities of Coach new collection of handbags named Coach Heritage Stripe. Beautiful and versatile collection with lots of new features and qualities. Whole collection is available in many shapes and sizes with lots of new colors like grass, pink, blue, geranium, white and dark brown.
Coach Heritage Stripe has a evergreen styling and can be used anywhere as it features everyday fashion. Now, if you are confused about your daily styling just switch to Coach heritage stripe collection. Not much changes have been made but the matching stripes added is looking gorgeous and unique. Its versatile look is been liked by many including me. This new matching stripe pattern with the leather trim is good for shopping time, office going and even friends place.
If, we talk out the space in these Heritage coach handbags, they are enough roomy to keep your daily stuff. It has one thing more which makes it different, is its logo i.e. original logo of horse and carriage from 1960 bringing back that iconic coach styling.
You want a new handbag and getting confused, then Coach heritage stripe can be one to opt for as it has all the good features we generally want in our handbags.